Monday, February 24, 2025

Vancouver B.C: Outstanding Views from Stanley Park

Lions Gate Bridge, Vancouver BC, Stanley Park
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Everytime I go back home to Vancouver, I fall in love with the beautiful scenery all over again. Check out my tips for capturing Outstanding Views from Stanley Park!

Prospect Point

StanelyPark, VAncouverBC, Canada, ProspectPoint, Travelphotography

If you need to reserve a HOTEL OR TOURS while in Vancouver , we have you covered!

Prospect Point Restaurant, Stanley Park, Lions Gate Bridge Views, Lion Gates Bridge

Prospect Point is actually a view point area, located in Stanley Park. If you drive the whole perimeter of the park, you will no doubt run on to this picturesque lookout. Besides taking in the views of Burrard Inlet and the Lions' Gate Bridge, you can enjoy dinner with a view.

The Stanley Park Point Bar and Grill is a casual and fun dining experience. In the summer time, the restaurant offers outdoor dining on the deck. Can you imagine sipping your cuppa jo outside, and taking in the most spectacular views and hues as the sun sets? Yes please!

Also on site is a coffee bar, gift shop and in house mascot : Mountie the Bear. He would make a fun photo opp, I missed the boat on that one!

Lions Gate Bridge

lionsgratebridge, stanleypark, burrardinlet, vancouverbc, travelphotography

The Lions Gate Bridge is one of Vancouver's most iconic landmarks, and is a  gorgeous view in day or night. The bridge is the main artery connecting downtown and North Vancouver. It has been part of the downtown skyline since 1938. You can read  about the history and construction of the bridge at Inside Vancouver.

Lionsgatebridge, vancouverbc, prospectpoint, vancouversunset, travelphotography

Lionsgatebridge, VancouverBC, Canada, Burrardinlet, Travelphotography

My friend Helen drove me around Stanley park to photograph the area. We arrived just before dusk, and it was the perfect time to capture the bridge. I got some fabulous shots- before and after it was lit up for the night.

Another bonus: It was clear enough for the North Shore Mountains to peak out behind the bridge. Any day the sky is clear and it's not raining in Vancouver, is a good day ha!

Downtown Vancouver Views

HarbourCentre, Vancouver, downtownvancouver, canada, travelphotography

Stanley Park, Prospect Point, VancouverBC, Canada, TravelPhotography

The opportunities to photograph the Stanley Park seawall, are endless. I could've stayed all day, just snapping pictures.

The Harbour Centre, the colorful downtown skyline, and gorgeous views of nature; are a few of the  scenes you can capture by circling the park. It's been years since I took a walk around Stanley Park.  This summer when it warms up, I am planning to go back and cycle it this time.

VancouverBC, Canada, DowntownVancouver, Vancouverskyline, travelphotography

Vancouver is the 3rd largest city in Canada, and was voted one of the best cities in the world by Telegraph Travel Awards. I hope this post inspired you to plan a trip there soon!

Have you been to Vancouver yet?

Also check out my styled fashion shoot in Gastown, with a local photographer. Looking for more travel tips and inspo?...follow my adventures on instagram. As always, thanks for joining me on the journey!

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  1. It has been far too long since I have been to Vancouver!

    1. Hi Abbey, well its not too far from Seattle, so make plans on a weekend if you can!

  2. I've always wanted to visit Vancouver! I definitely need to go.

    1. Yes its a great city with so many things to see! I hope you make it there!

  3. Oh my goodness what glorious views. We are headed that way this June, can't wait!

    1. Thankyou..Yes that is the best way to describe Vancouver..glorious!! Enjoy your visit!

  4. I ran a 10km race in Stanley Park but hadn't been there before. I spent more time looking around at everything than I did concentrating on running my race. It's such a gorgeous place! #FlyAwayFriday

    1. Wow luck you..I woud sooo love to do that! I will have to google that! Thanks for stopping by and I so agree, it is absolutely stunning!

  5. I loved Stanley Park! It poured while I was there, so I was cold, wet, and miserable but I still enjoyed the views of the skyline and Lion's Gate! I'm dying to go back, this time while it's not raining haha.

    1. Awe bummer, yes that is the downfall of the PNW and especially Vancouver and Seattle! The summer is the best to visit, July and August are good chances for ditching the rain! I hope you get another chance to go!~

  6. I love Vancouver and Stanley Park is such a treasure - I wish every city had a Stanley Park!

    1. Right Leigh!!! Iwish it too, I miss my home so much, I've considered moving back. But expense of living there stops

  7. The more I see of
    Vancouver the more I realize how amazing this city is. I would love to visit and see all these amazing views. And I love that you have such a good friend that will do that for you!! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Hey Kely, yes come to Seattle and visit. I will def take you up, it is only a 3 hour drive, so much to see and experience! Thanks for being a great friend!!

  8. What a beautiful place, the views are stunning. Great photos. Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, hope to see you tomorrow for Creative Mondays :)

    1. Hi Claire,

      Yes Vancouver is stunning and I am so blessed to call it home! I am only posting once a week and all my posts are travel focused for the most part , sometimes a sewing post or fashion interview . When I do those, I will link up. THanks!

  9. This is exactly the reason why I want to visit Vancouver: the views! The Pacific Northwest, both in the USA and Canada, has somehow eluded me. Stanley Park...added to my list.

    1. Glad it inspired you to visit, yes the Pacific NW has pure raw beauty!

  10. Ahhhh the hometown! I live just across the bridge in North Vancouver and it is definitely magical looking across and seeing Stanley Park. In the summer, I love biking around the park and having a picnic!

    1. Wow lucky girl you are! I stayed in North Van for this visit, so much fun! How awesome you have all this to enjoy in the summer time!

  11. I think many Finns (I'm from Finland) skip Canada and go to the States instead. Your post showed that we should start adding more Canada to our itineraries. It looks so beautiful over there!

    1. Awesome! I would love to visit Finland and several places in Europe, hope to this summer! I hope you will make a stop in Vancouver next time!

  12. I've never been, but I want to visit. That downtown view shot is stunning. Vancouver looks like a bustling city! Something for everyone to enjoy!

    1. Yes it is a very metropoitan city and great for all to enjoy, I LOVE IT and miss my home so much! I hope you can make a visit there soon!

  13. It's been years since I visited Vancouver. Such amazing shots and scenery. Definitively time to go back again. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Hi there, thanks so much! Hopefully you can make a visit soon!

  14. This makes me miss Vancouver so bad! My husband and I still talk about a salmon salad we had from there as being the best in the world! HA- random I know! Such a beautiful place :)

    1. wow that sounds amazing, Salmon Salad yum, where was that? It is a dreamy place for sure!

  15. Your pictures are all so beautiful! It really makes me want to visit! We have it on our bucket list!

    1. Thank you Cherly, not too awfully far from you, hope you can make it up!
